
We regularly post our thinking here because ideas are best shared. It might be our approach to solving a problem (we’re not fans of reinventing the wheel!), perhaps simply something else entirely that has piqued our interest! We cover methods for cyber risk assessment, approaches for cyber risk quantification, tools and templates for cyber risk management, tips for running successful security programmes, and much more!

You can join us at @cydeaHQ on Twitter, or our LinkedIn page to discuss any of our posts. If you’d like to know each time we add a new post, you can subscribe for notifications and a few other choice bits of content.

TechUK article highlights the qualities CISOs need in 2021

Cydea, and our partners Atkins, are featured in techUK’s #Cyber2021 week. The guest blog post reinforces basic cyber hygiene, such as understanding what you are defending, as an important part of any cyber strategy.

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Announcing Cydea x Good Causes

Since founding Cydea eighteen months ago our mission has been to bring positive security to the world. Some of that is contributing to open source projects or releasing tools free of charge through cydea.

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Risk Advisory: Microsoft Exchange 'Hafnium'

Cydea’s risk advisories are intended for senior management to aid their understanding of current events and the cyber risk posed to their organisations.

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A template for your incident response plan

Cyber security incidents can be high-pressure situations with serious consequences for both businesses and individuals alike. That stress can compromise decision making (especially when tired!

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Hello, World! from cydea.Tools

Introducing cydea.Tools, a collection of the tools we use in our client work and that are now freely available for any infosec team to pick up and accelerate their cyber security programme.

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Racial discrimination is systemic within information security

As I wrote in my weekly infosec newsletter over the weekend: You will, no doubt, have seen some of the horrific coverage of violence used against protesters this week… You may feel detached or removed from events however the issues are systemic and pervasive even in a ‘modern’ field like cyber security.

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Defense in Depth discuss 'what are you defending?'

Cydea’s founder, Robin Oldham, is featured on this week’s Defense in Depth podcast discussing asset valuation. Citing our blog post, Robin’s comments were picked up by David Spark and featured on the show.

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Five insights from the Security Watercooler

Last week we trialled an idea for running short video calls for people to share knowledge and experiences of different security topics.

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Security Watercooler: Communicating your recovery, with Jessica Lennard

This week we are trialling an idea around a virtual ‘Security Watercooler’. 25~30 min video calls to break up the day and showcase different viewpoints.

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Security Watercooler: Remote incident response, with ContextIS' Stephanie Albertina

This week we are trialling an idea around a virtual ‘Security Watercooler’. 25~30 min video calls to break up the day and showcase different viewpoints.

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Security Watercooler: Adapting detection to deal with remote working, with F-Secure's Tim Orchard

This week we are trialling an idea around a virtual ‘Security Watercooler’. 25~30 min video calls to break up the day and showcase different viewpoints.

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Security Watercooler: Focus during the distractions: security awareness at home, with ThinkCyber's Tim Ward

This week we are trialling an idea around a virtual ‘Security Watercooler’. 25~30 min video calls to break up the day and showcase different viewpoints.

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Security Watercooler: Cyber Risk Universe, with CISO Mentor's Phil Huggins

This week we are trialling an idea around a virtual ‘Security Watercooler’. 25~30 min video calls to break up the day and showcase different viewpoints.

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Join us at the Security Watercooler

This week we are trialling this idea: gather round the (virtual) Security Watercooler to share some knowledge, discuss ideas and chat with peers.

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Now is the time to secure those new remote working tools

The novel coronavirus COVID-19 has led to many countries around the world mandating that citizens practice social distancing and stay at home.

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